Description: When we chief see her she is nude and nose hooked. She is suspension from a post, arms drawn upward and tied off. Her legs, likewise, are drawn up at the knees and tied off. She is pendent. Within moments a fuck stick is lodged in her cunt. She cant transact anything about it. She is left like that for awhile, forward display, before being ring gagged with the biggest ring gag that would fit in her face hole. Then shes left there again. When she is ultimately addressed she gets her big toe tied off to the placard and then interrogated about her masturbation practices - what she thinks concerning when doing it, how often, her favorite fantasies. She can just talk. Or scafy bdsm maybe she cant talk at all - its hard to reckon. Mostly you just see desperation on her face, or a huge. opening where her mouth should be. After interrogating her about her greatest part personal shit I land the Hitachi directly onto her cunt. Right up~ her cunt clit. She moans and grunts a few times like a strumpet, herself to what feels good. She even starts to fuck the fuck fix , raising and lowering her body as best she can to toil the dead dick inside of her cunt. Then suddenly we try her say in a mumbled, fucked up way with that reverberation gag - "Please!" WTF? Are you asking permission to cum? "May I please be under the necessity hardcore bdsm an orgasm?" is what I think she asked right after that. But it was in plain english hard to tell given that big fucking ring gag in her effrontery hole. Denied. Instead, I had her tell me what her holes are excellent for. When she was finally given permission she came so painful she pissed herself. I had to grab a bucket to gripe it in. And there was so much of it that with a view to the first time ever I had my Hitachi ruined. I made her offer an excuse for that.
INow we find her naked on the floor. Shes tied forward her belly, rope around her neck with a bowling ball attached to the other expiration keeps her head held high. Her wrists are pulled forward and tied facing, arms fully extended. One leg, its ankle, is drawn outward and tied. The other leg is doubled completely on itself and belted that way - then pulled in an inimical direction. Her hair is tied to its foot. Another rope draws that sum up away from her head by the small toe. Shes slowly choking at the time we find her. Her pussy is clearly dripping liquid from it. Part of a peach lies terminate by. And thats how we leave her, struggling for breath, vigilance her in her desperation. Observing her like a zoo animal in a cage. She works conducive to every breath, every swallow she has to make. It doesnt take a ~ time before we see moisture well up in the corner of individual eye. Her face is stark and red. Shes needy - not asphyxia bdsm movies lawful for her cunt but for easily breathable air. When the Hitachi hits her pussy she freaks. But she with haste acclimates herself. Her bottom lip is dry, shes desperate. She on a sudden notices the camera and what is taking place around her. But she continues to grunt like the necessitous cunt that she is. Her pussy is stuffed and she wants to a greater degree. The Hitachi is removed, her fuck stick dislodged and a dish sat down in front of her cunt. Shes told to push gone ~ the peach thats been sitting up in there for the utmost hour. Once it emerges from her hole and hits the plate she is immediately told to eat it. Doing so must be the subject of been disgusting for her as she choked, coughed and almost threw it up. She is for this reason ball gagged and left that way.
She is naked. Positioned from one to another a dildo mounted in the floor she has it stuffed in her cunt though crouched on top of two 6x6 posts. Her wrists are pulled lofty above her head and tied off. Her legs doubled over and belted. She cant get off the dildo. A vibrator attached to the dildo hums begone on her clit. She seems to be enjoying herself, a contempt smile on her face as she humps the dead cock. A globe gag is tightly strapped into her face hole. A rope round her neck and a clear bag pulled over her head insures that her ~iness for air means work. Thats how the cunt is left - to her be in possession of devices. She can fuck that dead cock all she wants or so much as orgasm if she wants - but no one will be around to prohibit that vibrator off once latex bdsm that orgasm is over.
Now we perceive Lolita standing, er, balancing on a rock. She is nude and in a box manacle. Rope winds around her body from the kneecaps all the highroad up to her neck. She is impossibly bound with no course to extricate herself from the bumpy, uneven rock she now finds herself duration on. A large black ball gag fills her face hole. She before that time looks very desperate. But she does have a friend with her - the strong Hitachi. It is secured with rope to her cunt. She cant memorize it off and she cant get away from it. Plugged into the wall it be inclined never die from lack of juice. She struggles greatly with this place. If not for the rope attached at her back that is tied to the ceiling she would certainly do amiss over. But this leaves her feeling very vulnerable and scared. Many ages we see her lose balance and stark fear wash over her face - only to be caught by the rope. And that Hitachi righteous keeps buzzing away. After awhile I come back and ask her granting that shes ready to come down from her predicament. She grunts back each affirmative to me as a tear falls from one eye, runs on the ground her cheek and then over the ball gag. Snot runs from the two nostrils. But I just turn around and leave without taking her prostrate. I just wanted to make sure she did want down, that she was want. A giant wad of slobber runs out her gagged face cavity as I turn around and leave her like that.